Newster® Group is a European leader in sterilization technologies and the only company in the world offering a complete and ecological solution for most types of hazardous waste produced in healthcare facilities. We design and manufacture state-of-the-art equipment for the treatment of solid healthcare waste, sewage wastewater and medical laboratory fluid waste in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way.
Our patented and certified technologies are the result of ongoing investments in research and development. We work in close collaboration with international organizations, NGOs, universities and healthcare facilities. Our aim is to prevent the spread of infections and ensure healthy working and living conditions.
Newster systems are successfully installed worldwide in conformity with the highest quality standards.
Our history begins in 1996, when our founder acquired the patent for an innovative technology for the ecological treatment of solid infectious healthcare waste, well before the 2004 Convention of Stockholm, which invited governments to reduce or eliminate POPs. It took us two years to develop the first prototype and we haven’t stopped researching and innovating since then. Over the years, we have expanded our range of products and are now able to offer an integrated solution for the disposal of many types of infectious waste.
Here you can find Newster company profile: all information concerning our identity, our history, our values and commitment, but also the business organization, the investments in research and development, Universities and studies which contributed to the design of our innovative technological solutions and highly advanced machines for the sterilization of infectious waste and air sanitization. The report also contains data and information about environmental sustainability, the lower environmental impact of the on-site treatment of solid and liquid waste, the ecological design of our sterilizers, as well as our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals and international cooperation projects, all key elements for the definition of our values and business development strategy.
Newster System S.r.l.
Via Pascoli, 26/28
47853 Cerasolo di Coriano (RN)
Tel. +39 0541 759160
Fax +39 0541 759163
VAT NUMBER IT09269221009
Newster System S.r.l. - Via Pascoli, 26/28 - 47853 Cerasolo di Coriano (RN) - Tel. +39 0541 759160 - Fax +39 0541 759163 - VAT NUMBER IT09269221009