Newster systems have been successfully installed in:
Tengizchevroil LLP is a crude oil, gas and sulfur producing and marketing company in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which operates a system of continuous environmental monitoring to ensure its operations have as little environmental effect as possible. The company is a leader throughout Kazakhstan in the re-use, recycle and treatment of waste.
Igor Manujlenko, Supervisor of Environment Protection Department: “Our Newster NW10 machine has been operating since 2008 at the Tengiz integrated waste management facilities where it treats potentially infectious medical waste generated in our healthcare facilities. The Tengiz field is located away from industrial centers and settlements, so, to avoid downtime, we stock consumables as well as spare parts in the event of unit failure and for routine technical service. All works are carried out on site by our personnel trained at Newster headquarters and we can always rely on Newster engineers to provide technical support and advice to save us time”.
Vyacheslav Sazonov, Engineer of Environment Protection Department: “Newster engineers are constantly working to improve the system characteristics, but at the same time they ensure the maximum interchangeability and integration of the upgraded units and components with previous generation equipment, continuing to supply spare parts even for out-of-production models. This enables us to update the installation at the lowest cost. Servicing is carried out according to the recommended schedule and gives us the opportunity to train new operators in the use of the machine. Newster also provided a training course on waste management for the hospital staff.”
Khayelitsha District Hospital opened in February 2012. It offers district level care including a large 24-hour Emergency Centre as well as medical wards, surgical wards, obstetric wards, gynecology wards, pediatric wards and nursery. In 2016 it purchased Newster equipment for the treatment and disposal of infectious medical waste.
Dr. L. Angeletti-Du Toit, Chief Director: facilities and infrastructure management “After intensive testing and verification, I can confirm that Newster equipment meets all pre-requisites required in the tender. The main advantages are:
MEDI-WASTE is a Russian company that has supplied 19 healthcare facilities with Newster equipment for treating infectious waste.
Vitantonio De Nigris, C.E.O. MEDI-WASTE “I wish to point out that we have installed many units over the years. 11 of these are over 10 years old and still running well, another 11 are over 5 years old and running well and 7 have been running less than 5 years. The equipment is to our satisfaction and meets the standards declared by the manufacturer:
The DASRI STERILE project was created by business woman Bannouri Sondes. The aim of the project was to collect, transport, treat and dispose of infectious healthcare waste in the county of El Krib, in the government of Siliana. The project was financed in part by Souk At-Tanmia, an initiative of the African Development Bank (ADB) that supports social projects for young and female businesses. It was awarded funds by USAID to purchase a Newster NW50 unit to increase its treatment capacity in order to meet the large increase in COVID-19 generated waste.
‘’We handle the collection, transport and treatment of sanitary waste from hospitals after supplying them with different bins, plastic bags and sharp containers. The contaminated waste is then treated in our facility by thermal process. In the end we obtain sterilized residues. Dasri Sterile is fully aligned with the Government’s strategic outlook towards green growth and in 2017 we were able to accomplish 80 % of our target objectives. We currently have 8 employees and we plan to recruit more people in order to reach around 40 workers in total. At the moment we produce approximately 250 tons/year, but plan on improving our production to 1000 tons/year within the next 5 years.‘’
The Luisa Guidotti Hospital is located 170 km from Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe at the “All Souls Catholic Mission” of Mutoko. In the last decades the Hospital has grown, gone are the huts replaced by buildings in cement with a 150 bed capacity serving thousands of people living in the surrounding villages.
In March 2019, it was possible to install a new hospital solid waste sterilizer, through the collaboration and support of Newster Group, the Embassy of Italy in Zimbabwe, Cesvi and Associazione Spagnolli Bazzoni NGOs (Italy). The hospital is now able to dispose of infectious solid waste in a safe way and has been recognized as a site for the recycling of sterilized material by the Environment Management Agency of Zimbabwe.
Massimo Migani, Medical Director of Luisa Guidotti Hospital:
‘’We are really happy about the support received by Newster. Correct waste disposal is fundamental for the safety of our hospital. Our wish is to achieve environmentally friendly disposal and show that Africa is ready to carry out projects of this type.’’
Newster System S.r.l.
Via Pascoli, 26/28
47853 Cerasolo di Coriano (RN)
Tel. +39 0541 759160
Fax +39 0541 759163
VAT NUMBER IT09269221009
Newster System S.r.l. - Via Pascoli, 26/28 - 47853 Cerasolo di Coriano (RN) - Tel. +39 0541 759160 - Fax +39 0541 759163 - VAT NUMBER IT09269221009