Which are the environmental and economic benefits of choosing on-site sterilization treatment?

The on-site NW sterilization guarantees sensible management cost reduction and a high level of CO2eq reductionNewster provides a clean green eco-sustainable technology working towards a circular economy with an end of waste project.

As well as meeting the public demand for ecological solutions, it offers many other advantages, such as:

  • improved levels of hospital hygiene and safety;
  • elimination of risks arising from infectious waste transportation;
  • lower storage and transport costs due to weight and volume loss;
  • lower waste disposal costs;
  • use of residue as refuse derived fuel (RDF).

Newster System S.r.l.
Via Pascoli, 26/28
47853 Cerasolo di Coriano (RN)
Tel. +39 0541 759160
Fax +39 0541 759163
VAT NUMBER IT09269221009

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Newster System S.r.l. - Via Pascoli, 26/28 - 47853 Cerasolo di Coriano (RN) - Tel. +39 0541 759160 - Fax +39 0541 759163 - VAT NUMBER IT09269221009

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