We have been awarded a certificate of excellence by the European Union

15 December 2020

We have been awarded a certificate of excellence by the European Union for our Fast project, "From laboratory fluid waste to sewage water”, with which we introduced our TrueLab technology.

The Fast project was positively evaluated by a panel of international experts, exceeding high competitive thresholds for the 3 criterias judged: excellence, impact and implementation efficiency, required to receive funds from the UE Horizon 2020 budget.

The certificate of excellency equals a mark of quality that recommends our project for partecipation to future european bands and to alternative funding. Thanks to this important result we will participate to the next UE band planned for the beginning of 2021 together with our partners.

This outcome was reached thanks to the contribution of the partners involved in the project: IRST ISWA PHC (Pubblic health Institution) UNIMORE, SIRAM, ASL ROMAGNA, SYNLAB ITALIA e besides 10 accredited laboratories in various countries around the world willing to receive \host\ our technology. 

We have been awarded a certificate of excellence by the European Union

Puralab: our innovative solution

Puralab is an innovative customized liquid waste treatment plant for different kinds of biomedical analysis laboratories, which has represented the basis to successively develop the current technological solution object of the current project proposal.

At the same time, our R&D and the Technical Departments have been working on technology development with a particular focus on the process technology and on the “intelligent” components of the innovative system.

Discover more about Puralab

Newster System S.r.l.
Via Pascoli, 26/28
47853 Cerasolo di Coriano (RN)
Tel. +39 0541 759160
Fax +39 0541 759163
VAT NUMBER IT09269221009

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Newster System S.r.l. - Via Pascoli, 26/28 - 47853 Cerasolo di Coriano (RN) - Tel. +39 0541 759160 - Fax +39 0541 759163 - VAT NUMBER IT09269221009

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